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The Living is Easy

In Uncategorized on April 2, 2010 at 6:43 pm

Our boy Chuck is always fresh.

The summer is a good time to do things that winter makes uncomfortable. Not only does this mean its warm enough to pass out in a gutter at night (are you reading this QLS?), but it’s also OK to wear lighter weight menswear. Very fresh. There are a number of options for dressing well in the summer and I think we should cover a few basics before you piss all of your skimpy paycheck away on something with little style or shoddy design. We also need to account for the fact that most of us still have relatively small adult wardrobes, and purchases should be made with a nod toward year-around versatility.

First, you should think about lighter shades of year around colors, rather than the obvious tan or cream. Tan and cream-colored suits can look great, but they are pretty much only useful for about 3.5 months a year. You don’t want to be the ass-clown wearing a tan suit at the Christmas party. Instead, get something in light grey or steel blue. Blue and grey are the most versatile colors for any suit, and this includes summer. I am particularly fond of steel blue, which is a lighter shade of navy with some grey mixed in. Women will be all over your ass because you’ll look like a stylish Air Force officer. Just think of all the ways you could respond to that skinny little brunette in the next cube calling you “fly boy.”

Secondly, be hip to the material you pick. Cotton suits can be very cool in a rumpled sort of way, but they also have drawbacks. For one thing, they are not nearly as durable as wool. Don’t plan on a cotton suit looking presentable enough for work any longer than a typical pair of khakis. For me, that’s only about two summers. If you buy a cotton suit, make sure it is a something cheap that you won’t care about. Sales are the best source for cotton suits, since finding tailored clothes that are simultaneously cheap enough to dispose of, and well cut will be very tough. Keep in mind, also, that wool comes in hundreds of light weight varieties. Don’t assume that a wool suit will be too hot for the summer, because a light weight fresco or basic worsted won’t be.

Finally, think about wearing things other than suits during the summer. Since summer is inherently more casual, you can get away with much more. A light weight navy blazer is a wise investment for the summer since it can be worn with nearly any odd trousers that you choose. It will look equally fresh with tan, mid grey, and light grey trousers if you are a Republican. And white or red trousers if you are an asshole. Trousers aren’t too expensive, either, so you can make multiple outfits for barely more than the price of one suit.

Stay fresh.